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Glenoid morphology and the safe zone for protecting the suprascapular nerve during baseplate fixation in reverse shoulder arthroplasty  期刊论文  

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    INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS ISSN:0341-2695 2018 年 42 卷 3 期 (587 - 593) ; MAR
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  • 摘要:

    Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate glenoid morphology and define the safe zone for protecting the suprascapular nerve baseplate screw during baseplate fixation in reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) in a Chinese population.
    Methods Shoulder computed tomography (CT) scans from 56 subjects were retrospectively reviewed. Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction was performed using Mimics software, and corresponding bony references were used to evaluate glenoid morphology. To standardize evaluation, the coronal scapular plane was defined. Safe fixation distances and screw placements were investigated by constructing a simulated cutting plane of the baseplate during RSA.
    Results Mean glenoid height was 35.83 +/- 2.95 mm, and width was 27.32 +/- 2.78 mm, with significant sexual dimorphism (p < 0.01). According to the cutting plane morphology, the average baseplate radius was 13.84 +/- 1.34 mm. The distances from the suprascapular notch and from two bony reference points at the base of the scapular spine to the cutting plane were 30.27 +/- 2.77 mm, 18.39 +/- 1.67 mm and 16.52 +/- 1.52 mm, respectively, with a gender-related difference. Based on the clock face indication system, the danger zone caused by the suprascapular nerve projection was oriented between the two o"clock and eight o"clock positions in reference to the right shoulder.
    Conclusion Glenoid size and the safe zone for screw fixation during RSA were characterized in a Chinese population. Careful consideration of baseplate fixation and avoidance of suprascapular nerve injury are important for improved clinical outcome.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Yang Yuhui,Zuo Jianlin,Liu Tong, et al. Glenoid morphology and the safe zone for protecting the suprascapular nerve during baseplate fixation in reverse shoulder arthroplasty [J].INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS,2018,42(3):587-593.
  • APA:
    Yang Yuhui,Zuo Jianlin,Liu Tong,Shao Pu,&Xiao Jianlin.(2018).Glenoid morphology and the safe zone for protecting the suprascapular nerve during baseplate fixation in reverse shoulder arthroplasty .INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS,42(3):587-593.
  • MLA:
    Yang Yuhui, et al. "Glenoid morphology and the safe zone for protecting the suprascapular nerve during baseplate fixation in reverse shoulder arthroplasty" .INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS 42,3(2018):587-593.
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