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MicroRNA-1296 Facilitates Proliferation, Migration And Invasion Of Colorectal Cancer Cells By Targeting SFPQ  期刊论文  

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    JOURNAL OF CANCER ISSN:1837-9664 2018 年 9 卷 13 期 (2317 - 2326)
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  • 摘要:

    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in cancer genesis and progression via acting as tumor suppressors or oncogenes. Previous studies report that miR-1296 shows upregulation in both colorectal cancer (CRC) tissues and plasma samples. However, the accurate clinical significance of miR-1296 and its role in CRC have not been well investigated. The aim of the present study was to disclose the aberrant expression, clinical significance, and the relevant biological function of miR-1296 in CRC. We found a marked upregulation of miR-1296 expression in CRC tissues compared to tumor-adjacent tissues. MiR-1296 overexpression was detected in five CRC cell lines (HCT1 16, Caco2, HT29, SW620 and SW480). High miR-1296 level was remarkably correlated with tumor size (>5cm), lymph node metastasis and TNM stage (111+IV). Notably. High miR-1296 expression was identified as a predictive factor for poor prognosis of CRC patients by survival analysis. MiR-1296 knockdown inhibited proliferation, migration, invasion capacities of HCT 116 and SW480 cells in vitro. Moreover, miR-1296 silencing restrained the growth of CRC cells in vivo. Splicing factor proline and glutamine rich (SFPQ), a novel RNA binding protein, was identified as a direct target gene of miR-1296 in CRC. Downregulation of SFPQ expression was inversely associated with miR-1296 expression in CRC tissues. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data revealed the prognostic value of dysregulated SFPQ in CRC patients. Interestingly, our findings established that the oncogenic role of miR-1296 was at least partially mediated by SFPQ in CRC cells. Collectively, these data indicate that miR-1296 accelerates CRC progression possibly by targeting SFPQ and may serve as a potential predictive factor and therapeutic target for CRC.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Tao Youmao,Ma Chong,Fan Qihao, et al. MicroRNA-1296 Facilitates Proliferation, Migration And Invasion Of Colorectal Cancer Cells By Targeting SFPQ [J].JOURNAL OF CANCER,2018,9(13):2317-2326.
  • APA:
    Tao Youmao,Ma Chong,Fan Qihao,Wang Yannan,&Sun Caixia.(2018).MicroRNA-1296 Facilitates Proliferation, Migration And Invasion Of Colorectal Cancer Cells By Targeting SFPQ .JOURNAL OF CANCER,9(13):2317-2326.
  • MLA:
    Tao Youmao, et al. "MicroRNA-1296 Facilitates Proliferation, Migration And Invasion Of Colorectal Cancer Cells By Targeting SFPQ" .JOURNAL OF CANCER 9,13(2018):2317-2326.
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