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Highly Expressed Antisense Noncoding RNA in the INK4 Locus Promotes Growth and Invasion of Renal Clear Carcinoma Cells via the beta-Catenin Pathway  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Li, Qingchun(李清春)#[1]Tian, Yuan[2];Hu, Guangrui[2];Liang, Yun[2];Bai, Wei(白伟)[2]Li, Hongjun(李洪军)*[2]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    ONCOLOGY RESEARCH ISSN:0965-0407 2017 年 25 卷 8 期 (1373 - 1382)
  • 收录:
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  • 摘要:

    Long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) antisense noncoding RNA in the INK4 locus (ANRIL) is involved in several human cancers. However, the role of ANRIL in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) remains unclear. This study aimed to explore whether, and how, ANRIL affects the progression of RCC. First, the expression of ANRIL in clinical tumor tissues and four kinds of RCC cell lines was evaluated. After transfection, cell viability, colony number, apoptosis, migration, and invasion were assessed. The expression of proteins related to apoptosis, epithelial-tomesenchymal transition (EMT), and the beta-catenin signaling pathway was then assessed. In addition, the effect of IWR-endo (beta-catenin inhibitor) on cell viability, migration, and invasion, as well as beta-catenin expression, was also evaluated. The results showed that ANRIL was highly expressed in RCC tissues and RCC cell lines. ANRIL significantly promoted cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and EMT but inhibited cell apoptosis. Additionally, the expression levels of beta-catenin, Ki-67, glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK-3 beta), phosphorylated GSK-3 beta, T-cell transcription factor 4 (TCF-4), and leukemia enhancer factor 1 (LEF-1) were all markedly upregulated by ANRIL. The effect of ARNIL silencing was opposite to that of ANRIL overexpression. The effect of ARNIL on proliferation, migration, and invasion of RCC cells was found to be reversed by IWRendo. In conclusion, ANRIL, which is highly expressed in RCC, acted as a carcinogen in RCC cells through the activation of the beta-way.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Li Qingchun,Tian Yuan,Hu Guangrui, et al. Highly Expressed Antisense Noncoding RNA in the INK4 Locus Promotes Growth and Invasion of Renal Clear Carcinoma Cells via the beta-Catenin Pathway [J].ONCOLOGY RESEARCH,2017,25(8):1373-1382.
  • APA:
    Li Qingchun,Tian Yuan,Hu Guangrui,Liang Yun,&Li Hongjun.(2017).Highly Expressed Antisense Noncoding RNA in the INK4 Locus Promotes Growth and Invasion of Renal Clear Carcinoma Cells via the beta-Catenin Pathway .ONCOLOGY RESEARCH,25(8):1373-1382.
  • MLA:
    Li Qingchun, et al. "Highly Expressed Antisense Noncoding RNA in the INK4 Locus Promotes Growth and Invasion of Renal Clear Carcinoma Cells via the beta-Catenin Pathway" .ONCOLOGY RESEARCH 25,8(2017):1373-1382.
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