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Multi-organ Involvement of Sweet"s Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Li, Bo#[1]Ma, Zhongsen*[1]Xu, Xuesong(徐雪松)[2]Yin, Jinzhi[1];Wang, Xiuli[3];Ren, Jin[1];Wang, Songyan[4];Yang, Junling[1];Ma, Tiangang[1];Zhang, Qinghua[1];Yu, Jinyan[1];Yan, Bingdi[1];
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    INTERNAL MEDICINE ISSN:0918-2918 2015 年 54 卷 3 期 (339 - 343) ; 2015
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    The hallmark of Sweet"s syndrome (SS) is the infiltration of mature neutrophils in the upper dermis. We herein report a case of SS with multi-organ involvement. A 32-year-old man presented with fever, anemia and dyspnea. He was given antibiotics, without any improvements. Later, a number of erythematous lesions appeared, accompanied by deteriorating respiratory and cardiovascular functions. A diagnosis of SS was confirmed on a skin biopsy, and the patient was given corticosteroids, the dose of which was reduced after one month. The organ function subsequently deteriorated, and he ultimately died of multi-organ failure. Early recognition of SS with multi-organ involvement is important in patients with SS.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Li Bo,Ma Zhongsen,Xu Xuesong, et al. Multi-organ Involvement of Sweet"s Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review [J].INTERNAL MEDICINE,2015,54(3):339-343.
  • APA:
    Li Bo,Ma Zhongsen,Xu Xuesong,Yin Jinzhi,&Yan Bingdi.(2015).Multi-organ Involvement of Sweet"s Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review .INTERNAL MEDICINE,54(3):339-343.
  • MLA:
    Li Bo, et al. "Multi-organ Involvement of Sweet"s Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review" .INTERNAL MEDICINE 54,3(2015):339-343.
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