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Thoracolumbar traumatic nucleus pulposus sequestration combined with a slight flexion distraction fracture A rare case report and literature review  期刊论文  

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    MEDICINE ISSN:0025-7974 2018 年 97 卷 25 期 ; JUN
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  • 摘要:

    Rationale: Traumatic nucleus pulposus sequestration (TNPS) usually occurs concurrently with severe destruction of bone. TNPS combined with a slight thoracolumbar flexion-distraction fracture, triggering a disastrous nerve injury, has rarely been reported. Due to the atypical radiologic manifestations, such a patient can easily be overlooked. Patient concerns: Hereby, we present a TNPS patient as well as a slight thoracolumbar flexion-distraction fracture and serious neurologic symptoms. Diagnoses: T12 spinous process fracture, L1 flexion distraction fracture, thoracolumbar traumatic nucleus pulposuse sequestration and lower limbs incomplete paralysis Interventions: To avoid further neurologic compromise, an urgent laminectomy and exploration of the spinal canal was performed. Outcomes: After decompression OR and 4 months rehabilitation, the patient's neurologic function improved remarkably. Lessons: A slight flexion-distraction fracture following injury is liable to eclipse the concurrence of TPNS. For this patient, a high-resolution MRI was needed to make a definitive diagnosis and guide surgery. Once TPNS has been diagnosed, sufficient decompression and discectomy surgery should be performed without delay.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Yin Ruofeng,Chang Pengyu,Zhu Qingsan, et al. Thoracolumbar traumatic nucleus pulposus sequestration combined with a slight flexion distraction fracture A rare case report and literature review [J].MEDICINE,2018,97(25).
  • APA:
    Yin Ruofeng,Chang Pengyu,Zhu Qingsan,Cheng Fei,&Zhang Bo-Yin.(2018).Thoracolumbar traumatic nucleus pulposus sequestration combined with a slight flexion distraction fracture A rare case report and literature review .MEDICINE,97(25).
  • MLA:
    Yin Ruofeng, et al. "Thoracolumbar traumatic nucleus pulposus sequestration combined with a slight flexion distraction fracture A rare case report and literature review" .MEDICINE 97,25(2018).
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