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Ultrasmall Gold Nanorod Vesicles with Enhanced Tumor Accumulation and Fast Excretion from the Body for Cancer Therapy  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Song, Jibin(宋继彬)#[1,2]Yang, Xiangyu[2];Jacobson, Orit[2];Huang, Peng[2];Sun, Xiaolian[2];Lin, Lisen[2];Yan, Xuefeng[2];Niu, Gang[2];Ma, Qingjie(马庆杰)*[1]Chen, Xiaoyuan*[2]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    ADVANCED MATERIALS ISSN:0935-9648 2015 年 27 卷 33 期 (4910 - 4917) ; SEP 2
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    A new kind of ultrasmall dissociable AuNR@PEG/PLGA vesicles (approximate to 60 nm) (AuNR = gold nanorod; PEG = poly(ethylene glycol); PLGA = poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)) assembled from small AuNRs (dimension: approximate to 8 nm x 2 nm) is reported. They exhibit several striking features: prolonged circulation and prominent tumor accumulation; rapid excretion from the body as AuNR@PEG after therapy; enhanced photoacoustic and photo thermal properties; and high photothermal cancer therapy efficacy.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Song Jibin,Yang Xiangyu,Jacobson Orit, et al. Ultrasmall Gold Nanorod Vesicles with Enhanced Tumor Accumulation and Fast Excretion from the Body for Cancer Therapy [J].ADVANCED MATERIALS,2015,27(33):4910-4917.
  • APA:
    Song Jibin,Yang Xiangyu,Jacobson Orit,Huang Peng,&Chen Xiaoyuan.(2015).Ultrasmall Gold Nanorod Vesicles with Enhanced Tumor Accumulation and Fast Excretion from the Body for Cancer Therapy .ADVANCED MATERIALS,27(33):4910-4917.
  • MLA:
    Song Jibin, et al. "Ultrasmall Gold Nanorod Vesicles with Enhanced Tumor Accumulation and Fast Excretion from the Body for Cancer Therapy" .ADVANCED MATERIALS 27,33(2015):4910-4917.
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