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IL-2-loaded Polypeptide Nanoparticles for Enhanced Anti-cancer Immunotherapy  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Wang, XiaoShuang(王晓爽)#[1,2]Zheng, ZhaoShi(郑昭时)[1]Zheng, MengFei[2,4];Wang, Di[1,2];Zhang, HongLei[2,5,6];Zhang, ZhenQian[2,5,6];Liu, ZhiLin[2,3];Tang, ZhaoHui(汤朝晖)*[2,3,4]Han, XueMei(韩雪梅)*[1]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE ISSN:0256-7679 2023 年 41 卷 7 期 (1059 - 1068) ; JUL
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    Interleukin 2 (IL-2) is widely used as an active immunotherapeutic agent in clinical metastatic cancers. However, its therapeutic concentrations do not last long due to its short half-life. Thus, only a transient proliferation of the anti-cancer CD8(+) T cells can be achieved, resulting in poor efficacy. Therefore, the aim of this work was to create a system that promotes CD8(+) T cell proliferation at the tumor site using IL-2 persistently present and activates an anti-cancer immune response. This goal was achieved by the design of the IL-2-loaded polypeptide nanoparticles (P-IL-2) where methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) block poly-[(N-2-hydroxyethyl)-aspartamide] phenylboronic acid was used to encapsulate IL-2 through boron-nitrogen coordination with poly((L)-lysine). P-IL-2 significantly prolonged the circulation time of IL-2 and achieved a selective drug release at the tumor site in the presence of high levels of reactive oxygen species, thus activating an anti-cancer immune response and exerting a better anti-cancer effect. The half-life of P-IL-2 was 3.15-fold higher than that of IL-2, and the quantity of CD8(+) T cells after using P-IL-2 was 1.89-fold higher than that after using IL-2. In addition, the combination of P-IL-2 and anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody resulted in an enhanced immune activation. Hence, this work provides a new approach to improve the efficacy of IL-2 in anti-cancer immunotherapy.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Wang Xiao-Shuang,Zheng Zhao-Shi,Zheng Meng-Fei, et al. IL-2-loaded Polypeptide Nanoparticles for Enhanced Anti-cancer Immunotherapy [J].CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2023,41(7):1059-1068.
  • APA:
    Wang Xiao-Shuang,Zheng Zhao-Shi,Zheng Meng-Fei,Wang Di,&Han Xue-Mei.(2023).IL-2-loaded Polypeptide Nanoparticles for Enhanced Anti-cancer Immunotherapy .CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,41(7):1059-1068.
  • MLA:
    Wang Xiao-Shuang, et al. "IL-2-loaded Polypeptide Nanoparticles for Enhanced Anti-cancer Immunotherapy" .CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE 41,7(2023):1059-1068.
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